Lori is a fantastic realtor!
It took some time to find the right property. Lori listened to our needs and went out of her way to show many properties until we found the right one. Appreciate the great service Lori!!
- Jason K.
Lori is amazing to work with!
Professional and friendly and very communicative. We sold my property before the listing went live due to her diligent attitude. She goes above and beyond and the process was a pleasure.
- Brett York
Happy Client.
Lori helped me find my new home. She was friendly, efficient and has a sense of humour. Lori is also determined to find what the client is looking for even though I was quite picky. I would choose Lori again.
- Mary Ann K.
Lori’s knowledge and enthusiasm helped us sell our home quickly and easily. We appreciated her incredible marketing finesse, her honesty, and her positive attitude from start to finish. We were thrilled to work with her and would happily recommend her. She is a dedicated realtor and a lovely person.
- Dori Blackie
Lori was a pleasure to work with and always had a “yes I can” attitude. No challenge was too much for her to overcome and her creative side helped provide perspective that could have otherwise been missed.
- Tim Wiersma
Lori worked tirelessly to ensure her innovate marketing elements were set. She earned my everlasting gratitude.
- Paul Street
Lori exerts the perfect balance of creativity and flair to keep her clients happy. Lori’s passion and enthusiasm energize those around her. She has proven to be most excellent in serving her clients in this ever changing digital world.
- Dene Braaten